Getting people together is where I've thrived, both personally and professionally. It has enabled introductions, learning, helping opportunities and a sense of community. All of this contributes to wellbeing, boosted morale and having a support network for the future, whether you are interested in a community project, advice or friendship.
We've had a splendid time with all of our groups over the last few months. We have brought mums together to discuss the challenges of parenthood, womanhood and politics as well as floating ideas on sustainability, nature conservation, work/life balance and mental health.
Nutrition and nourishment are a central part of community. We have baked over the fire, enjoyed soup and enjoyed amazing bread and flapjacks, rosehip mint tea and oatcakes and apples too.
We indulged in activities such as apple collecting and juicing, leaf collages, advent candle making, wreath foraging and creating, Christmas-tree decorating, bulb planting and walking to name but a few as well as putting on our Autumn Event with a scavenger hunt and communal crafts.
We have hosted families, toddlers, home-schoolers and those struggling with mental health issues and have worked on improving the veggie garden as well as the flower patch. We've battled the elements, foraged in the hedges and huddled in the Tea Hub. It has been a hugely enriching experience for all involved and thank you to all those that have helped to make it happen.
I guess I'm telling you all of this as it is important to reflect, stand back and take a look at what we have done and what we hope to do. Here is the theme - raising our game! These are some of the things we feel strongly about and would like to help facilitate in our community:
1. Wellbeing and nourishment: things that you can bring your child along to that will make YOU feel better: exercise sessions, wellbeing and yoga classes, creativity sessions.
2. Learning and connection: the environment is central to our passion and knowledge here at Farleigh. We want to share what we learn on sustainability and environmental impact and we want to connect you to others in the community that are working to combat the environmental challenges we are currently facing. We have learned about Stevie B's, the Liznojan bookshop, Crediton Community bookshop, muddyboots lifestyle and all sorts of other ethically minded organisations
3. Outdoor classroom: Learning for (pre) pre-school aged and homeschooling students and those wanting something a bit different as a learning environment for a well rounded and enriching educational environment.
4. Music: Allowing people to explore beautiful music through performance and creation.
5. Creativity: Giving access to all for craft and nature-based creativity sessions.
6. Wilding: Getting closer to nature and getting involved in habitat creation and gardening creation to support British wildlife.
7. Supporting: We are looking into how we can support communities who are struggling locally and perhaps grow vegetables for those that need them.
So, look out world, here we come! We've had a great year exploring different ideas and perspectives and now need to get on and BE BOLD!
We really would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on sessions or collaborations. Here is a list of people that have really stood out for us in this trial year. They are awesome, please support them!
Additional big thank yous to Roberta, Bethia, Phillipa, Clare and all our other lovely friends and supporters.
Buy local, support communities and be mindful.
#devon #buylocal #flowers #charity #community #gettogether #helpeachother #groups #parentinggroups #wildgroups #rewilding #progress #strongwomen #outdoorclassroom