Earth Matters by Planet & People
Let's LOVE the Earth! Dear Planet People
Learn - Let’s reduce our waste!
As we put the finishing touches to February’s Planet Action Kit, we are excited to let you know

that next month’s theme will be 'Reduce Waste'. This is absolutely crucial in our journey towards living more lightly. Consumerism and our attitude to ‘things’ needs to change and next month’s box is full of ideas and tips for how to turn old waste into something new.
Our Planet Action Kit also provides an activity to reflect on how much waste you and your household are producing and the challenge is to produce less over the course of February. Kids love making things and how much better if you don’t have to spend any money on the equipment and instead you can use things in your home which would otherwise go to landfill!
Win, win.
Observe - Let’s see what to look out for in February!
There is plenty to see in February. Even if it looks too cold outside, there is always something new to look out for. Being outside is good for you whatever the weather! Here are some ideas ofthings you might see at this time of year:

Frosty mornings
Signs of spring: bulbs, snowdrops, primroses
The first bumblebees of the season
Longer daylight hours
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets
February is a great month for putting food out for the birds as supplies are scarce towards the end of the winter. It’s also fun to keep a list of species that have visited your feeders.
inVolve - Let us show you what we’ve been up to!
See our latest weekly blog entries! We have been chatting to working women that inspire us, we give you some ideas of what to do with your children during lockdown and think about how we can support each other in these tricky times.
We love keeping in touch with our followers!

Facebook Page (Planet People) - learn about our latest products
Instagram (we.are.planetpeople) - see our range and photo inspirations
Facebook group (Raising Kids for People & Planet) - get involved with our discussions, ideas for your families and learn how to be more eco-friendly.
Enjoy - Let’s enjoy a few treats!
We have just released sales for our ever popular Planet Action Kit for February. Order now!

Enjoy it even more with the discount code ‘EarlybirdFeb’ to get 10% off your order. The message of February, ‘Reduce Waste’, is vital. If you want to help encourage your child to make a difference for the long term - order now!
Click HERE to enjoy January’s audio story for FREE. Hear all about PAK’s adventures with wildlife inspired by the legend that is David Attenborough!
Planet & People has been founded by of a teacher and ecologist team. We seek to engage children in environmental issues and to connect them to the natural world. We work to inspire lifestyle changes to encourage a lighter ecological impact and have a positive influence on the change-makers of the future.
For those of you who are already enjoying your Planet Action Kit (or other product), we'd love to know how you got on. If you share your pictures and thoughts (on our social media pages), we may just have a little thank you in store for your next purchase! Jess & Bethia Team Planet & People X