This blog is part of our series bringing to your attention people or projects that we want to cheer on as we develop a culture of mutual support and encouragement at Planet and People. Our interests are broad - women in business, environmental living, the climate crisis, educating the next generation. It’s all worth shouting about!
Bethia: I recently met Eszter - an inspiring go-getter and it was an easy decision to make her the subject for our latest “hurray” blog! Eszter is an impressive individual - she moved to the UK fairly recently and has set up her new business against the backdrop of a global pandemic.
Eszter is working in education and brings together two of our great passions at Planet and People. Firstly, learning. Knowledge is power and gives us the tools and skills we need to be innovative, to communicate ideas and to take next steps. Secondly, guts! We need to be resilient and strong as we face challenges in business and of course as we address the challenges of climate change. Ezster really impressed me in the way she keeps going with her business passion and how she is continually looking for changes to make to move forward. Have a look at her website if you are a homeschooler or looking for activities to boost your child’s learning at home.
Enjoy our chat!
1. How did you get into education as a career - what made you choose teaching and working with young people?
I decided to study to be a Special Needs Teacher and Therapist when I was 17. There are members of my family who have dyslexia, this maybe influenced my decision. One day I woke up and realised that I wanted to become a teacher.
I studied to be a Special Needs Educator and Therapist, specialising in Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities and Learning Disabilities-Difficulties. I got my qualification in 2014 and it was one of the best things I could have ever done. In 2019 I received another qualification in which I became an Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialist. I have experience working in both the preschool and primary school sectors.
2. What part does education play in shaping our society and future and why do you think it's important?
Education is not just about learning a curriculum. During the lessons, we teach children how to think about themselves and about the world. Primarily we teach vision and values to children - which the children take within them into their life.
A child who is taught playfully, who is accepted, and who does not experience failure remains open to learning even as an adult. His/her heart stays open. He/she does not lose his/her creativity and desire for self-expression.
These are exactly the skills that make society work. Our children are the future of our society. Awareness, a broad vision, acquired values are essential for a nation to thrive.
3. What does your business deliver and provide to support education?
I design and sell Educational Resources, Learning Folders, and Busy Books which help children develop the skills they need to build a solid foundation for their education. My goal is to develop skills through playful activities and make them as easy and attainable as possible for parents.
The contents of these resources have been designed in line with the ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage' (EYFS) and support every child to learn the key foundations as they begin their educational journey.
Research shows that learning through play is an important part of a child’s development. Through play and with the use of educational toys and folders, children learn many different skills they will need in their lives.
I designed these educational resources that could be perfect for every single child with or without any difficulties.
4. What are your experiences being a woman in business?
I can say that I am at the very beginning of my small business journey. I don’t think that running a small business is harder or different for a woman or a man. When you are a small business owner it means that you are a problem solver, you need to find and learn the best way to do things on your own. Maybe you are lucky and can quit your job which would allow you to focus only on your small business. Or you need to continue a full-time job and focus on your small business as a part-time job. I fall into the second category. I am doing everything by myself for ‘Hello Kids Studio’. I made the website, designed the products, make the products, manage the social media platforms and provide customer service as well. It is not always easy, however, this journey is full of joy and there is no better feeling than when you see your products in photos being used or read the lovely feedback. I am really grateful. I believe every single woman is powerful in different ways, and they just need to find their own passion.
Instagram: hellokidsstudio
My website: https://hellokidsstudio.com/

FOR PLANET AND PEOPLE is a regular blog conversation by ‘Planet & People’ to reflect our values and behaviours and encourage open conversation on topical eco-issues.
We are the creators of 'Planet Action Kit', inspiring kids to LOVE the Earth. PAK is an educational resource and subscription activity box providing personalised learning resources engaging budding planet-friendly kids. The activities focus on the four main themes: Learn, Observe, inVolve and Enjoy and are centred around matters of environment and sustainability. We run Planet Action Workshops at our eco-base in Devon where we develop the next generation of planet protectors using adapted materials from our Planet Action Kit.
Find out more on ourWebsite,Facebook group, andInstagram Feed.