Earth Matters - June 2021 by Planet & People
Dear Planet People
Learn - Here's what's new!
This month we are trying something new to spread the Planet & People message:
'LOVE the Earth!'

We have started Planet Action Workshops based on the Planet Action Kit. You can sign up to Monday sessions for the home-ed community and weekend sessions too. Suitable for children from (approx.) 4 - 11 years old, do come and join us if you are within striking distance of Mid-Devon, we'd love to meet you!
So far, we’ve been observing pond life, learning about ecological balance through Jenga, playing in the mud kitchen, going on wildlife safaris, building bug hubs and much more. We are in the pilot phase at the moment - learning loads and having a great time too. Plenty of food for thought and interesting discussions along the way too.
Observe - Our wonderful world!

During one of our Planet Action workshops this week, we took the children for a nature walk - first they went around the loop; through the orchard, past the pond, the buffer zone and on through the paddock as fast as they could. Secondly we encouraged them to slow right down.
It was amazing just how much we saw the second time around, and the exciting thing is, we could walk it at another time of day or later in the year and we would see completely different species and behaviour, all in just a short walk.
inVolve - Join in!

Keep up to date through our latest weekly blog entries! If you are interested in our ideas and the people and projects that are inspiring to us then have a read!
We love keeping in touch with our followers! Here’s how to keep in touch:
Facebook Page (Planet People) - learn about our latest products
Instagram (we.are.planetpeople) - see our range and photo inspirations
Facebook group (Raising Kids for People & Planet) - get involved with our discussions, gather eco-friendly ideas for your families. (Photo credit: Anya Campbell Photography)
Enjoy - From us, to you!
This is the Planet Action Kit for July, concentrating on the power of the plant - 'Plant Power'. Use code ‘Discount2021’ for 20% off your July PAK.

Audio story: Have a listen to our original audio story from June and follow the adventures of PAK, our young explorer and party in celebration of British Wildlife:
Jess & Bethia Team Planet & People X Planet & People has been founded by a teacher and environmentalist team. We seek to engage children in environmental issues and to connect them to the natural world. We work to inspire lifestyle changes to encourage a lighter ecological impact and have a positive influence on the change-makers of the future.
#planetactionkit #planetactionworkshops #kidsclub #outdoorclassroom #childhoodunplugged #devon #homeed #homeeddevon #devonmums #kidsathome #devonfamilies #devoninsights #devonlive #naturerediscovered