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Newsletter - Spring, Seeds and New Beginnings

Planet & People

15th Mar Newsletter

LOVE the Earth with Planet & People

Learn - here’s what’s new:

What’s new for Planet and People since we last wrote? Jess has twin boys - we are so excited to welcome two new people to the planet - just in time for Mother’s Day! On a personal note (Bethia) I have HUGE respect for a woman who can order seeds for March’s Planet Action Kit, edit blog posts, think about marketing and business challenges, all from a hospital bed! Respect. What a woman and what a passion for what we are doing through Planet and People. Thank you Jess.

In the light of the approaching birth day, Jess and I got ahead and April is all planned, packed and ready to go. In April, we are thinking about the impact nature has on our mind and wellbeing. It’s a current area of research and an issue that has come up a lot this year during the COVID pandemic. What role does nature play in your mental health? How can we teach our kids the value of getting connected to the natural world to enable them to deal better with the challenges of life?


Observe - our wonderful world:

New life is a strong theme at this time of year. From bulbs emerging from the earth, to lambs in fields. Many people associate spring with hope - with the idea of a fresh start and life coming back after a long, cold winter. Keep hope - it’s one of the MOST essential ingredients for our wellbeing.


inVolve - join in:

See our latest weekly blog entries! Bethia has shared her ‘LOVE the Earth in Lockdown’ thoughts and some mindset considerations if you ever feel overwhelmed by the multitude of consumer decisions for those of us who want to live more lightly on this planet.

We love keeping in touch with our followers! Here’s how to keep in touch:

Facebook Page (Planet People) - learn about our latest products

Instagram (we.are.planetpeople) - see our range and photo inspirations

Facebook group (Raising Kids for People & Planet) - get involved with our discussions, ideas for your families and learn how to be more eco-friendly.


Enjoy - from us, to you:

Discount code: Use code ‘Discount2021’ for 20% off your April PAK.

Listen to our free audio story from March about PAK, our young adventurer character. Each month PAK discovers new insights and experiences about the planet and its people. This month - what’s it like to be a growing tomato seed?!

Planet & People has been founded by a teacher and ecologist team. We seek to engage children in environmental issues and to connect them to the natural world. We work to inspire lifestyle changes to encourage a lighter ecological impact and have a positive influence on the change-makers of the future.



Welcome to Planet & People, a Devon-based Community Interest Company which empowers people to create a better future for planet and people.

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