Sign up to our June Planet Action Workshop series today (half price for this month only!):

Bethia: After being restricted for so long, it’s time to get out! This weekend, Jess and I were totally delighted to run our pilot Planet Action Workshop. We are in love with the Planet Action Kit (naturally) but as extroverts there is nothing like the buzz and energy of a real live group to inspire us - the ideas flow, the excitement is palpable and kids just have that magic 'awe-and-wonder' approach to life that makes all the hard work behind the scenes so worthwhile.
As lockdown eases (we are not naïve - things might change again), we are moving into a new era of Planet & People. We are running Planet Action Workshops to guide you and your children through all the activities and materials from the Planet Action Kit. Set in eight acres of beautiful Mid-Devon countryside, with an essential DIY Tea Hub (for the parents) and our professional (teacher/ecologist) expertise and energy we aim to engage and equip children to be part of the essential change that is needed as we take action in response to the climate and environmental crisis.

We are at a critical 'tipping' point. The reality can't be sugar coated - we have an urgent situation on our hands and we ALL must take action; collaborating and making the most of our sectors and skill sets to make changes for a better future for the next generations. Our approach, at Planet & People, is to encourage and empower children through positivity, play and fun. The feel of our workshop on Saturday was joyful, buzzing and action packed - we spent two hours working through four activities on May’s theme of Wild Life ( The kids couldn’t have been more enthusiastic - they were full of curiosity, energy and a 'give-it-a-go' attitude.
If you have primary-aged children - budding environmentalists, planet protectors, activists and much more then come and join in! Perfect for the home-learning community as well as flexi-schoolers, our June Planet Action Workshop series has the theme ‘Wild For Wildlife’ where our focus will be on environmental protection and conservation. We are running this first month in the series half price. For just £12.50, your child will receive a Planet Action Kit and entry to four eco-learning sessions. Sign up here whilst there are still spaces!

We will soon be offering after school sessions and holiday/weekend workshops too so do register your interest by popping us an email at We are really looking forward to getting out, meeting new minds and sharing more about how to LOVE the Earth!
FOR PLANET AND PEOPLE is a weekly blog conversation by ‘Planet & People’ to reflect our values and behaviours and encourage open conversation on topical eco-issues.
We are the creators of 'Planet Action Kit', inspiring kids to LOVE the Earth. PAK is an educational resource and subscription activity box providing personalised learning resources engaging budding planet-friendly kids. The activities focus on the four main themes: Love, Observe, inVolve and Enjoy and are centred around matters of environment and sustainability.
Find out more on our Website, Facebook group,and Instagram Feed.